

ISM Finland is dedicated to providing a safer space for students, teachers, and all others who participate in ISM lessons, events, and workshops, and meetings. We have created the following Safer Space Principles that will be applied in all of our teaching locations:

  • Do not assume anything about others; instead, ask. Avoid making assumptions about sexuality, gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, values, socio-economic background, abilities, and health.
  • Discrimination in any form will not be tolerated. Negative comments regarding sexuality, gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, values, socio-economic background, abilities, or health, and any other comments that can be considered discrimination are not allowed.
  • Respect the opinions, beliefs, experiences, and differing viewpoints of others. The space should be free of judgmental words, actions, or behaviors that could humiliate, insult, or ridicule another person.
  • Respect others’ personal space. The teaching space must be comfortable for all parties involved, therefore any touching or breach of personal space must be done only with permission and be completely professional.
  • What to do in harassment situations. If you see a situation where these guidelines are not being upheld, you can intervene directly if you feel comfortable doing so. In other cases, please reach out to the ISM Principal or any of the admin team members.

We believe that music is for everyone and everyone deserves to learn and work in a safe space. You can read more about our guidelines in our Lesson Guidelines.

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